다국어인구학사전입니다. 여러분들의 많은 이용바랍니다. The Demopaedia team will be present at the next International Population Conference in Busan.
If you attend the conference, please, come to our oral communication which will be held on Tuesday August 27, from 15:30 to 17:00 (Bexco, room 213). The new Korean dictionary will also be presented in a side meeting organized by the Planned Population Federation of Korea (PPFK) on "Population Issues & Official development assistance" (open to all) at 19:00 (Bexco, room 110).

다국어인구학사전, 두 번째 통합본, 한국어판


Eunyoung Shim (토론 | 기여)님의 2013년 8월 10일 (토) 15:02 판 (422)
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

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보고계신 다국어인구학사전은 현재 작업 중에 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 토론부분에서 확인해주세요.

여기로: Demopædia 소개 | 사전이용법 | 다운로드
장: 서문 | 1. 일반개념 | 2. 인구통계 | 3. 인구분포와 분류 | 4. 건강과 사망력 | 5. 혼인력 | 6. 출산력 | 7. 인구성장과 재생산 | 8. 인구이동 | 9. 인구학의 사회경제적 특성
페이지: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93
색인: 전체 색인 | 1장 색인 | 2장 색인 | 3장 색인 | 4장 색인 | 5장 색인 | 6장 색인 | 7장 색인 | 8장 색인 | 9장 색인


사망1연구는 인구의 질병(disease)2질환(illness,sickness,ill-health)2을 다루는 것이다. 새로운 질병의 발생 건수3가 고려되는지, 특정 시점에서 질병의 건수가 존재하는 지에 따라 질병의 발생4질병의 유병5이라는 두 가지 측면이 고려된다. 사망 통계6의 측정은 건강과 병적 상태7간의 명확한 구별이 없기 때문에 어려움이 따른다. 질병 분류표8질병 분류학9은 각 질병의 분류와 기술에 이바지하고 있다.

  • 2. 질병은 단수 집합 명사로 사용되며, 특정 만성 질병(ailments)을 나타내는 때는 단수, 복수가 모두 사용된다.


보건 통계(Health statistics)1는 질병 통계와 동시에 인구의 모든 건강의 측면을 망라하여 일반적으로 사인별 사망률2의 통계도 포함한다. 사인3의 대부분은 단일 사인4에 의한 것이 아니라, 여러 사인5 또는 복합 사인5에 의한 것이기 때문에 사인 별로 분류하는 것은 어려운 일이다. 이런 경우 직접적 사인6잠재적 사인7을 구별하고, 다른 관점에서 주요 사인8이차적 사인9 또는 관련 사인9을 구분할 수 있다. 사인별 사망률10은 일반적으로 인구 10 만 명 당 사망률로 표현된다. 모든 원인에 의한 사망 수에서 차지하는 특정 사인으로 인한 사망 비율을 사인별 사망 비율11이라 한다.


사망(death)이나 장애disability (426-2)는 질병 (420-2), injury상해1, 중독2의 결과라고 할 수 있으며, 상해는 사고3폭력4때문일 수 있다. 폭력에 의한 것 중에서는 자살5자살 시도5, 살인6, 전쟁으로 인한 사망과 상해7를 구분하는 것이 보통이다.

  • 3. 사고, 명 - 사고의, 형
  • 4. 폭력, 명 - 폭력에 의한, 형
  • 6. 살인, 명: 법적으로는 살인 또는 과실 치사가 사용된다.
  • 7. 전사전쟁 상해로 축약된다.


An endemic disease1 is one that permanently affects substantial segments of a population, in contrast with an epidemic2, which spreads and then disappears within a fairly short time; when it appears in a large number of countries, it is called a pandemic3. Certain infectious diseases4 or communicable diseases4 have attracted particular attention, because they are capable of infecting large numbers of persons within relatively short time intervals. In such instances we speak of epidemic diseases5, and special epidemiological statistics6 are collected to show their incidence. It is possible to obtain information about these illnesses in various countries because legislation has made their reporting compulsory; they are therefore called notifiable diseases7. A distinction is sometimes made between chronic diseases8 and acute diseases9. These terms are not precisely defined, but acute diseases are generally understood to be those of abrupt onset and short duration while chronic diseases are those with slow onset and long duration, and often causing prolonged disability.

  • 2. Epidemic, n., also used as adj.
  • 4. Infectious, adj. - infect, v. - infection, n. The terms communicable diseases, contagious diseases and infectious diseases are not synonymous. A contagious disease can only be transmitted from person to person; thus, malaria, a communicable disease, is not contagious. Moreover, certain infectious diseases are not communicable.
  • 6. Epidemiology, n.: the science dealing with epidemics - epidemiologist, n.: a specialist in epidemiology - epidemiological, adj.: pertaining to epidemiology. The meaning of these terms has expanded greatly, and epidemiology now covers the study of relations between a biological or medical phenomenon and various factors, such as tobacco for example in "the epidemiology of lung cancer," or alternatively the statistical analysis of geographic variations in health phenomena.


Demographers devote particular attention to certain aspects of mortality: endogenous mortality1 which results from the genetic constitution of the individual, congenital malformations2, injuries connected with birth, or degenerative diseases associated with aging; exogenous mortality3, in contrast, results from external causes such as infectious or parasitic diseases and accidental injuries other than those incurred by the child during birth. Also of special interest are diseases connected with pregnancy, labor and the puerperium4. Mortality from these latter diseases is called maternal mortality5, and a maternal death rate6 may be computed as the ratio of maternal deaths in a year to the births of the same year. The proportion of deaths due to senility7 has mostly drawn interest as an index of poor reporting of causes of death.

1 and 3. Infant mortality (410-1) can thus be decomposed into endogenous infant mortality and exogenous infant mortality.

  • 4. The puerperium is the lying-in period following a birth, and the mortality of mothers during the period is called puerperal mortality.
  • 7. Senility n. - senile, adj.


Three aspects of morbidity (420-1) are commonly measured by morbidity rates1 or morbidity ratios1: frequency, duration and severity. These indices may be computed for specific diseases, or for all diseases. Two indices of the frequency of ill-health are the incidence rate2, the number of new cases of disease during the period related to the average population, and the prevalence rate3, the number of cases existing at a given moment of time expressed per unit of the average population. Either the average duration per case4, or the disability rate5, which is the mean number of days of illness5 per person in the population, may serve as a measure of the duration of illness. The case fatality rate6, which is the proportion of fatal cases among the reported cases of the specified diseases, may be used as an index of severity.

  • 6. This is said to measure the lethality of the disease.


An impairment1 refers to any physical, functional or psychological defect, which results from illness, injury or congenital malformation. When an impairment inhibits an individual’s ability to work or participate in normal activities it is referred to as incapacity2 or disability2. This may be total or partial; in either case, permanent disability3 or infirmity4 refer to an irreversible condition. The probability that a healthy individual aged exactly x years will become disabled in the next year or over the course of some number of years starting with this exact age, is called the risk of disability5 or the probability of disability5. A series of these probabilities can be combined into a disability table6, which is a specialized extension of the life table (cf. §432).

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여기로: Demopædia 소개 | 사전이용법 | 다운로드
장: 서문 | 1. 일반개념 | 2. 인구통계 | 3. 인구분포와 분류 | 4. 건강과 사망력 | 5. 혼인력 | 6. 출산력 | 7. 인구성장과 재생산 | 8. 인구이동 | 9. 인구학의 사회경제적 특성
페이지: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93
색인: 전체 색인 | 1장 색인 | 2장 색인 | 3장 색인 | 4장 색인 | 5장 색인 | 6장 색인 | 7장 색인 | 8장 색인 | 9장 색인