다국어인구학사전입니다. 여러분들의 많은 이용바랍니다. The Demopaedia team will be present at the next International Population Conference in Busan.
If you attend the conference, please, come to our oral communication which will be held on Tuesday August 27, from 15:30 to 17:00 (Bexco, room 213). The new Korean dictionary will also be presented in a side meeting organized by the Planned Population Federation of Korea (PPFK) on "Population Issues & Official development assistance" (open to all) at 19:00 (Bexco, room 110).

다국어인구학사전, 두 번째 통합본, 한국어판


Eunyoung Shim (토론 | 기여)님의 2013년 5월 30일 (목) 18:31 판 (430)
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

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보고계신 다국어인구학사전은 현재 작업 중에 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 토론부분에서 확인해주세요.

여기로: Demopædia 소개 | 사전이용법 | 다운로드
장: 서문 | 1. 일반개념 | 2. 인구통계 | 3. 인구분포와 분류 | 4. 건강과 사망력 | 5. 혼인력 | 6. 출산력 | 7. 인구성장과 재생산 | 8. 인구이동 | 9. 인구학의 사회경제적 특성
페이지: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93
색인: 전체 색인 | 1장 색인 | 2장 색인 | 3장 색인 | 4장 색인 | 5장 색인 | 6장 색인 | 7장 색인 | 8장 색인 | 9장 색인


사망통계는 일반적으로 사망신고 (211참조)를 통해서 생성된다. 사망이 발생하면 사망신고서1 가 발행되며; 사망신고서에 기재된 정보를 통해 통계가 작성된다. 일부 국가에서는 사망자의 마지막을 지켜본 의사가 작성한 의학적 사망진단서2 와 법적 목적을 위해 만들어진 사망진단서를 구분하고 있다.

  • 1. The first death statistics in England and Wales were compiled from bills of mortality which were generally drawn up on the basis of burial registers. In countries where vital registration is deficient, statistics can be gathered by the survey technique; questions may be asked on deaths during a reference period, generally the previous year; the indirect estimation of mortality relies on such question as the number of children surviving among children ever born (637-2), orphanhood status or widowhood status.


Probabilities of dying1 or death probabilities1 are used to study in detail the mortality of a period or of a cohort. They are the probabilities that an individual of exact age x will die before exact age x + n, and are represented by the symbol nqx. If n = 1, we talk about annual death probabilities2; if n = 5, about quinquennial death probabilities3. The instantaneous death rate4, or as it is occasionally called the force of mortality4, is the limit of the nqx value as n tends to zero. The complement to one of the probability of dying from exact age x to exact age x + n is the probability of survival6 over this interval. In the preparation of population projections, we use survival ratios7; they represent the probability that individuals of the same birth cohort or group of cohorts will still be alive n years later.

  • 1. The probability of death between age x and x + n is defined as the ratio of deaths between ages x and x + n to the number of survivors at exact age x. It is not to be confused with the central death rate, the ratio of deaths between ages x and x + n to the mean population alive at that age. The central death rate is written nmx .
  • 6. The probability of survival from age x to age x + n is written npx .


The course of mortality throughout the life cycle may be described by a life table1. A life table consists of several life table functions2, all of which are mathematically related and may be generally derived when the value of one of them is known. The survivorship function3 shows the number of survivors4 of a cohort (116-2) of births to various exact ages (322-7) on the assumption that the cohort is subjected to the rates of mortality shown. The number of births in the original cohort is known as the radix5 of the life table and the process by which the original cohort is reduced is known as attrition6.

  • 4. The number of survivors to exact age x is denoted by lx .
  • 5. The radix is usually a power of 10: 10,000 or 100,000 for example.


The differences between the number of survivors (432-4) at different ages gives the number of deaths within the given age interval of the death function1. Life tables typically include the expectation of life3 or life expectancy3 at age x ; this is the mean number of years to be lived by those surviving to exact age x, given the mortality conditions of the table. The expectation of life at birth4 is a particular case of expectation of life, and represents the mean length of life4 of individuals who have been subjected since birth to the mortality of the table. The reciprocal of the expectation of life at birth is the life table death rate5 or death rate of the stationary population5.

  • 3. By integrating the survivorship function (432-3) between two exact given ages we obtain the total number of years lived by the cohort between these ages; the notation for the total number of years lived between age x and x + n is nLx . This function is often called the stationary population in life table column headings. By summing it from a given age x to the end of life, we obtain the total number of years to be lived after attaining age x by those reaching that age; the conventional notation is T x .
  • 4. The notation for the expectation of life at age x is ex


The median length of life1 sometimes called the probable length of life1 is the age at which half the original cohort of births have died. After infancy the distribution of deaths by age in the life table will usually have a mode and the corresponding age is called the modal age at death2, or sometimes the normal age at death2. It may be of interest as an indicator of human longevity3 or the length of life3 corresponding more closely to the sense in which the term is used in everyday language than either the average (433-4) or the median length of life. The term life span4 is used to refer to the maximum possible length of human life.


A complete life table1 is usually one in which the values of the life table functions (432-2) are given in single years of age. An abridged life table2 is one in which most functions are given only for certain pivotal ages, frequently spaced at five or ten year intervals after infancy; intermediate values for the functions are usually obtained by some form of interpolation (151-7). The term life table for selected heads3 is used to refer to a life table relating to the experience of a number of specially selected individuals, such as the clients of a life insurance company, in opposition to general life tables4 which relate the experience of a whole population (101-4). Life tables are generally presented on a sex-specific basis although on occasion they are presented for both sexes. A life table which is based only upon the generalization of empirical relationships is called a model life table5.


A calendar year life table1 or period life table1 (cf. 153-2; 432-1) is one in which the mortality rates used relate to a specified time interval and the cohort (116-2) is therefore hypothetical. A generation life table2, or cohort life table2 on the other hand, traces the experience of an actual birth cohort and the mortality rates contained in the table are then spread over a prolonged period, usually about 100 years. A mortality surface3 is drawn when probabilities of dying (431-1) are plotted against age and time period simultaneously in a three-dimensional diagram.


렉시스다이아그램(Lexis diagram)1 은 일반적으로 사망확률을 계산하거나 다른 인구지표를 계산하기 위해 사용된다. 이 다이아그램에서 각 개인은 출생으로 부터 시작되고 사망점3으로 끝나는 하나의 생명선2 으로 나타난다. 초고령자의 사망률 연구는 세대 제거법4, 을 사용하는데, 이는 사망에 의해 완전히 제거된 코호트 세대의 관찰된 죽음을 지표로 사용한다.

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여기로: Demopædia 소개 | 사전이용법 | 다운로드
장: 서문 | 1. 일반개념 | 2. 인구통계 | 3. 인구분포와 분류 | 4. 건강과 사망력 | 5. 혼인력 | 6. 출산력 | 7. 인구성장과 재생산 | 8. 인구이동 | 9. 인구학의 사회경제적 특성
페이지: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93
색인: 전체 색인 | 1장 색인 | 2장 색인 | 3장 색인 | 4장 색인 | 5장 색인 | 6장 색인 | 7장 색인 | 8장 색인 | 9장 색인